Tips to Help You Win Child Custody Case

Court appearances during child custody can be overwhelming. It’s therefore imperative that you are well prepared for all the court sessions. It’s crucial that you work with a child Support lawyer Fairfax to ensure that you win the case. Make sure that you present all the important documentation concerning the case. In this article, we give you tips on how to ensure you win the custody case.

Factors that Determine Child Custody

  • The strength of the parent-child relationship

The judge will award custody to the parent who has a strong bond with the children.

  • Needs of the Children and how well they can be catered

The decision made will be in the best interest of the children, both emotional and development needs.

  • Age and Health of the parent and child

The judge will grant custody to the healthy parent.

  • Stability

The parent who is more stable is likely to win the custody of the child.

  • The child’s connection to the current community

The judge will consider how connected the child is to the people around and may award custody based on that.

  • The parent’s ability and willingness to care and cater for the children.
  • Whether the parents are willing to co-parent
  • Evidence of mistreatment, child abuse or domestic violence

Tips to Follow During Custody Preparation

Below tips will guide you on how to win a custody battle

  • It’s important to ensure that you are well prepared for the custody proceeding. Make sure the family lawyers have all the details that are required. Dress properly and have all the necessary documentation with you.
  • Make sure you hand in all the important to the divorce lawyer in good time. That will ensure that the lawyer prepares adequately and has his arguments ready in good time.
  • Make sure you follow the proceeding keenly and have answers ready. Be ready for the question and ensure that you have answers. If you live in a small house make sure that you have room for the children. Make arrangements before the court appearances.
  • You can bring people who can support your clams to the child support lawyer. The teacher and the child caretaker will help collaborate your story.
  • Dress appropriately because that will show you are responsible
  • Be respectful to the other parent. Being disrespectful may lead the judge to give custody to the other parent.
  • Make sure that you have a plan. A judge will award custody to the parent who has a plan on how to take care of the children. Make sure you can answer questions on the child education, living arrangement, and school activities without hesitation.
  • Avoid twisting facts in the hope of winning the custody case. Don’t tell the children anything negative concerning the other parent.

What to Expect During Custody Hearing

  • Expect a few people

Unlike other court cases, child custody cases will have fewer people. During the proceeding, there will be fewer people in the courtroom.

  • Limited time frame

Custody cases are allocated a limited time frame. The judges and custody adjudicators hear a lot of cases and that means that each custody case is allocated a given time. Make sure that you keep time during the sessions and be prepared properly because you don’t have much time. It’s therefore critical to ensure you provide the family lawyer with all the information to ensure the case is successful.

  • Multiple Testimonials

During the child custody case, the child, parents, and witnesses may be asked to speak. They may be asked questions on how they relate with the parents. It’s therefore important to ensure that have the best witness on your side. The judge will form an opinion based on such witness on the best person to take care of the children.

  • Immediate Decision

After both sides have been heard the judge will give the decision that suits the children. The judge’s decision will include the below;

  • Which parent has been granted custody
  • Visitation schedule which will indicate when the noncustodial parent should visit.

It’s important to ensure that you work with the best child support lawyer to ensure that you win the custody case. Prepare all the documentation as requested by the family lawyer and ensure that you follow the proceeding keenly. Follow the instructions and request given and avoid missing important dates.


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